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Mindful Energy : Balance #7

SKU: ART-TMP-0001407759

Tentang Karya :
Ukuran : 90 x 60 cm
Material : Acrylic on Canvas


Having been crowned "Mindful energy," this series of work continues to develop by virtue of our accumilating experiences and those of people we have met. Our inner passion and energy is derived from our mental, emotional, and physical health. Where did this conciousness begin? Conciousness is a mere product of thought, thought begotted by our brain, our brain which is also responsible for our emotions. Emotion and thought are closely intertwined. A working mind is capable of contolling its emotions, and consequently its hormones. When we are happy, emerge the hormones dopamine and serotonin. In the face of adversity, as thoughts of depression or fear may arise, cortisol is released. It is from this concept that Minful Energy: Balance #5, #6, and #7 are ordained. Illustrations of different women disucss hobbies, work, responsibiolities and objects loved and mastered. Our most important asset is our mind, which allows us to discover formulas that work for us, and only us. This allows us to grow, protect ourselves and each other, and other productive ventures. In order to cultivate good energy for ourselves and those around us.


Karya seri Mindful Energi ini semakin berkembang seiring banyaknya cerita-cerita pengalaman pribadi dan cerita-cerita orang-orang yang kami temui. Dengan semangat dan energi yang sama tentang kesehatan pikiran, kesehatan emosi, dan kesehatan tubuh. Bagaimana kesadaran muncul karena kita punya pikiran, pikiran karena otak, dengan otak, kita punya emosi. Emosi terkait erat dengan pikiran. Pikiran yang bekerja akan memicu kemunculan hormon-hormon tertentu. Saat kita bersuka cita maka akan muncul hormon dopamine, endorphin, serotinin, sehingga akan memicu suasana bahagia. Sebaliknya jika kita hidup dengan masalah, ketakutan, tertekan, rasa bersalah dan sebagainya, maka yang kita keluarkan adalah hormon kortisol. Dari gagasan tersebutlah karya Mindful Energi:Balance #5,#6,#7 kali ini bercerita. Lukisan bentuk perempuan dengan berbagai macam cerita tentang hobi, pekerjaan, kewajiban dan hal-hal yang disukai dan dikuasai. Salah satunya dengan melatih pikiran, menemukan formula baik untuk diri kita, belajar bertumbuh, saling melindungi, berbagai hal- hal yang menyenangkan. Agar menumbuhkan energi-energi baik untuk diri kita dan sekitarnya.

Tentang Seniman :

An Indonesian Husband-And-Wife, Putud Utama and Rara Kuastra, collaborate and working together as an artist that dictates subject matter, positioning, collage, color, space and perspective. Since the end of 2015, they decided to collaborate on art and design. Often, they use medium of canvas, fabric, wood, brass, allumunium, and clay in their works to create installations, murals, and paintings that utilize personal history as an entry point to discuss identity, home, nature, representation, and the memories of cultures. Through this processes, Tempa’s works employ nuanced, decorative, and narratives that evoke an inquiry about identity where we live in into global issues.

Exhibition :

Solo Exhibition :

> MILLENIAL DOPAMINE, Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta

Art Exhibition :

> Daulat & Ikhtiar, Memaknai Serangan Umum 1 Maret 1949, Museum Benteng Vredeburg Yogyakarta
> A Tribute To Heritage group exhibition, Can’s Gallery, PIK Pantjoran Jakarta
> A Tribute To Heritage group exhibition, Isa Art & Design, PIK Pantjoran Jakarta

> Objective List group exhibition, Isa Art Incubator Gallery, Omah Budoyo, Yogyakarta
> Artprint Exhibition, Delphian Gallery x Unit 1 Gallery Workshop, London
> Pekan Seni Grafis Yogyakarta, Kiniko Art, Yogyakarta
> Artcare, Artjog Time to Wonder, Yogyakarta
> wARTa_07 Group exhibition, Jogja Gallery. Yogyakarta
> Private Preview, Project Mei. Jakarta
> Garden Of Dystopia, Cans Gallery, Jakarta
> Sama-Sama,Kalluna,Yogyakarta

> RASA, Hotel Alila, Seminyak,Bali
> Nandur Srawung #7, Yogyakarta
> Artcare, Artjog Resilience, Yogyakarta
> Pameran amal COVID-19, @pameranamalc19,Online instagram
> The Spectacle of Illusion, Edwin’s Gallery, Jakarta
> Urban Dialogues Part 2, ISA art, WTC 3 Jakarta

> All The Small Things 3, Can’s Gallery, Jakarta
> Art Jakarta 2019, JCC Senayan, Jakarta
> Kecil itu indah - Miracle #3, Miracle Prints, Yogyakarta

> Pameran Besar Seni Rupa 2018, Batu
> Energi Seni, Plaza Indonesia, Jakarta
> ART Jakarta,The Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta
> One By One, 2 Madison Gallery, Jakarta

> Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta “BRAKE! BREAK!”, Yogyakarta
> TROOPER helmet exhibition, KUSTOMFEST
> ART Jakarta, Bekraf Paviliun, The Ritz Carlton, Pacific Place, Jakarta

> Deck-counstruct at The Space Gallery The Parlor, Bandung
> Go Ahead Challenge, Proletart di Bale Banjar Sangkring, Yogyakarta

> Sunny Sunset , Canting Restaurant, Yogyakarta

Commision Work :

> Murals at Nestle Office Jakarta
> Public art installation at Bottega & Artisan Jakarta

> Whatsapp business sticker design & illustration
> Oronamin C illustration collaboration

> Mural at Yayasan Del, Jakarta
> Installation art at Baur Space, Jakarta
> Mural at Cohive, Plaza Asia , Jakarta
> Installation art at Ahmad Yani International Airport, Semarang

> Installation art at Lazada WOW festival, Jakarta
> Installation art at De Tjoloemadoe, Karanganyar
> Installation art at Wework jakarta
> Mural at Spacemob, Gama Tower, Jakarta
> Mural at Jimbaran Hub, Jimbaran, Bali
> Private mural, Yogyakarta

> Artistic interior project at Kuningan City Mall Jakarta
> Art Market Jakarta 8 branding design, Jakarta
> Artistic interior project at ARTOTEL Jogja
> Facebook Air Program, Mural, Facebook office Jakarta
> AQUA, sehat aqua, #rangkulkebebaikan AQUA label illustration
> Artistic Interior, Estern Kopi TM, Yogyakarta
> Custom painting on helmet, Nasi Goreng Diplomacy by SRISASANTI
> Custom painting on bags – present

> Conogelateria, Mural, Yogyakarta

Collaboration :

> Pattern stamp printing, Jogja-Netpac Asia Film Festival 14, Yogyakarta
> Karya ilustrasi Jogja-Netpac Asia Film Festival 14, Yogyakarta
> Purana & Tempa fashion collaboration, Jakarta & Yogyakarta
> JAFF-NETPAC 2019 & Tempa design collaboration, Yogyakarta

> Grace Adoreable & Tempa fashion collaboration, Solo & Yogyakarta
> TROOPER CUSTOM Helmet custom exhibition

> Gotosovie & Tempa merchandise collaboration, Yogyakarta

Pop Up Store :

> Pop Market #2, Arkadia, Yogyakarta
> Jogja-Netpac Asia Film Festival 14, Yogyakarta
> ARTJOG 2019, Jogja National Museum, Yogyakarta

> ARTJOG 2018, Jogja National Museum, Yogyakarta

> Singapore Art Book Fair, Singapore
> EXPOSURE creative market place, Yogyakarta

> Festival Ambisiku, Yogyakarta & Makassar
> Indonesian Business Carnival, Yogyakarta
> Kios Kaos, Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta

> Kios Kaos Kaleidoskop Khatulistiwa, Kedai Kebun Forum, Yogyakarta 

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Mindful Energy : Balance #7
